SEO Company in Delhi
10 proven ways to increase traffic on new website

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A web page does not attract a good volume of visits by itself unless we carry out strategies focused on increasing web traffic. It is useless to have the most beautiful website in the world if then we do nothing to make it known.

Improve CTR: CTR is a very important factors in web positioning, the higher the CTR in your results, the greater the number of visits to your website.

Loading speed: Google itself states that an increase of half a second in the loading time reduces web traffic by 20%. Loading speed is important for web positioning and user experience.

Know your audience: Obtaining information about what works best on social networks can be very useful when deciding what content to publish or even which to disseminate again.

Internal linking: Another SEO factor that must be taken into account in on page SEO Strategies is internal linking. It is about creating links that lead to other pages on the same website.

Face book Ads: The Face book ad platform can be a great ally. Creating correctly segmented campaigns with ads made up of good copies can bring you a large amount of traffic.

Share buttons: Social networks can be a channel that makes you increase your website traffic a lot. To increase web traffic from social networks it is essential to make it easy for users.

Long tail: Another SEO Company in Delhi Help you to increase visits to your website is to work well with long-tail keywords. Well-crafted long tails can bring you a lot of web traffic.

Attractive titles: One of the best techniques to increase web traffic is to generate attractive titles that increase the CTR of our results in the SERPs.

Email marketing: Today it is very difficult to retain users who visit a website. One of the best techniques to keep them coming back is Email marketing.

Guest blogging: If there is a differential factor that can give your website a great boost is to publish a post as a guest author on a powerful blog with a related topic. The advantages are many.

In summary

Now that you know top 10 proven ways to improve traffic, you must also consider some other aspects, such as Website UI, Website Content, Meta Tag, Heading Tag, Keyword Research, Canonical Tags, Info graphics, Video Marketing to increase web traffic, Publish content that lasts over time, etc.

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